Prof. Ping Gao and Dr. Qi'ao Gu won the Top Award for International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland

Prof. Ping Gao and Dr. Gu win the Top Award for International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Switzerland with the project of Multifunctional Polyethylene Nano Membrane.

Founded in 1973, the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva is a large-scale international exhibition sponsored by the Swiss Federal Government and the Municipal Government of Geneva. It is also the earliest, biggest event exclusively devoted to exhibitions in the world. The event presents gold awards, silver awards, and bronze awards. The Special Merit Award goes to the gold award winner with a unanimous vote of  the jury.


日内瓦国际发明展于 1973 年创办,是由瑞士联邦政府及日内瓦市政府所赞助的大型国际展览会。也是世界上举办历史最长,规模最大的发明展。项目奖分金银铜三类,评审团特别嘉许金奖从大赛金奖中产生,必须评审团全票通过才能获得。